Friday, December 21, 2007

Biblioteca Dos Punto Zero.

Library 1.0 is the top pic. Library 2.0 is the bottom pic. Which looks more fun? Yeah, that's what I thought too! Library 2.0 is way better.
So I laugh to myself when I think of new service models, change, and serving the customer, yada yada yada. Shouldn't we be doing that without being told? Shouldn't librarianship come naturally? Isn't that the biggest reason libraries aren't good is because they fail to relate to their customers?? That is why I like library 2.0.

I think that we don't need to bend over backwards trying to please every customer. If you notice, all us young folk, I.E. ME AND EVERYONE YOUNG LIKE ME, prefer the web over print media. So libraries should quit acting like they own information. Libraries own nothing. Many of us can now do research without stepping foot in the library. Some librarians forget this. They need to take a bite out of some humble pie. So evolution in libraries is key.

I like Library 2.0. Finally some fresh ideas. I will say this though, no matter how must libraries evolve, we must also remember, WE ARE NOT BOOKSTORES. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE BOOKSTORES. WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION LIKE BOOKSTORES. Our charm is that we are libraries.

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